
zlib License

(C) 2018-2021 Haoqian He

This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
warranty.  In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages
arising from the use of this software.

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including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it
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3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.
--]] --- LibDeflate usage example
-- @author Haoqian He
-- @file example.lua
local LibDeflate

if LibStub then -- You are using LibDeflate as WoW addon
  LibDeflate = LibStub:GetLibrary("LibDeflate")
  -- You are using LibDeflate as Lua library.
  -- Setup the path to locate LibDeflate.lua,
  -- if 'require("LibDeflate")' fails, for example:
  -- package.path = ("?.lua;../?.lua;")..(package.path or "")
  LibDeflate = require("LibDeflate")

local example_input = "12123123412345123456123456712345678123456789"

-- Compress using raw deflate format
local compress_deflate = LibDeflate:CompressDeflate(example_input)

-- decompress
local decompress_deflate = LibDeflate:DecompressDeflate(compress_deflate)
-- Check if the first return value of DecompressXXXX is non-nil to know if the
-- decompression succeeds.
if decompress_deflate == nil then
  error("Decompression fails.")
  -- Decompression succeeds.
  assert(example_input == decompress_deflate)

-- If it is to transmit through WoW addon channel,
-- compressed data must be encoded so NULL ("\000") is not transmitted.
local data_to_trasmit_WoW_addon = LibDeflate:EncodeForWoWAddonChannel(
-- When the receiver gets the data, decoded it first.
local data_decoded_WoW_addon = LibDeflate:DecodeForWoWAddonChannel(
-- Then decomrpess it
assert(LibDeflate:DecompressDeflate(data_decoded_WoW_addon) == example_input)

-- The compressed output is not printable. EncodeForPrint will convert to
-- a printable format, in case you want to export to the user to
-- copy and paste. This encoding will make the data 25% bigger.
local printable_compressed = LibDeflate:EncodeForPrint(compress_deflate)

-- DecodeForPrint to convert back.
-- DecodeForPrint will remove prefixed and trailing control or space characters
-- in the string before decode it.
assert(LibDeflate:DecodeForPrint(printable_compressed) == compress_deflate)


--- Compress and decompress using zlib format
local compress_zlib = LibDeflate:CompressZlib(example_input)
local decompress_zlib = LibDeflate:DecompressZlib(compress_zlib)
assert(decompress_zlib == example_input)

--- Control the compression level
-- NOTE: High compression level does not make a difference here,
-- because the input data is very small
local compress_deflate_with_level = LibDeflate:CompressDeflate(example_input,
                                                               {level = 9})
local decompress_deflate_with_level = LibDeflate:DecompressDeflate(
assert(decompress_deflate_with_level == example_input)

-- Compress with a preset dictionary
local dict_str = "121231234" -- example preset dictionary string.
-- print(LibDeflate:Adler32(dict_str), #dict_str)
-- 9 147325380
-- hardcode the print result above, the ensure it is not modified
-- accidenttaly during the program development.
-- WARNING: The compressor and decompressor must use the same dictionary.
-- You should be aware of this when tranmitting compressed data over the
-- internet.
local dict = LibDeflate:CreateDictionary(dict_str, 9, 147325380)

-- Using the dictionary with raw deflate format
local compress_deflate_with_dict = LibDeflate:CompressDeflateWithDict(
                                     example_input, dict)
assert(#compress_deflate_with_dict < #compress_deflate)
local decompress_deflate_with_dict = LibDeflate:DecompressDeflateWithDict(
                                       compress_deflate_with_dict, dict)
assert(decompress_deflate_with_dict == example_input)

-- Using the dictionary with zlib format, specifying compression level
local compress_zlib_with_dict = LibDeflate:CompressZlibWithDict(example_input,
                                                                {level = 9})
assert(#compress_zlib_with_dict < #compress_zlib)
local decompress_zlib_with_dict = LibDeflate:DecompressZlibWithDict(
                                    compress_zlib_with_dict, dict)
assert(decompress_zlib_with_dict == example_input)
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